
Lumpy or Squishy Gets a Response – #TIS19

A 6% return on a direct mailer is an example of an outstanding result that Suzanne St. Pierre, Marketing & PR Specialist for All West Communications, describes in the above interview. St. Pierre explains that direct mail is a way for a company’s message to rise above the digital media chatter.

Her recommendation is to mail something that is lumpy or squishy to encourage people to open the mailer. In the past, the cost of sending popcorn or lip balm would be difficult to justify. By combining their back-end data, they are able to target the mailers to likely prospects.

This effort reflects All West Communications’ tight coupling of and the interlinking of content between digital and print media. To track success and move prospects through the sales funnel, she encourages the use of landing pages, phone numbers, and even raffle tickets that are unique to specific physical media.

TIS 19 coverage is brought to you by The Independent Show and ViodiTV.

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