Using infrared optics that are invisible to the human eye, Wi-Charge demonstrated wireless power transfer of up to 2.25 Watts from a central hub to remote devices across a room. Using beam steering, they are able to dynamically direct the power and optimize efficiency, as evidenced by the moving train in their CES Unveiled booth.
A more typical application that they also demonstrated was the wireless powering of a doorbell camera. In a sense, what they are creating, as they call it, is a wireless USB cable. In fact, they have an off-the-shelf receiver that is roughly the size of a USB thumb drive, has either a two-wire or USB connector, and that delivers up to 1.5W.
They have integrated their technology into a number of reference devices, such as receivers integrated with smart speakers, wireless phone chargers and even smartphone cases. On their website, they show a range of transmitters that are either available today or will be later in the year and that will deliver between 100mW and 2.25W from over ranges of 5 to 10 meters.
The value comes in the form of improved aesthetics (e.g. as a way to hide wires) as well as providing power to places that don’t otherwise have it. Hmmm, maybe this would be a way to power that fancy electrified toilet lid replacement that I just saw last weekend at our local big-box retailer.
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