“The kids have been super excited about the Disney Jr. and Watch TV Everywhere experience,” according to Clint Carter, Director | Technology and New Service Introduction, of Tennessee broadband service provider North Central Telephone Cooperative. In the above interview, Carter discusses their experience in providing multiscreen video services. Befitting the idea that the younger generation has moved beyond TV, Carter indicates that, in their network, Disney Jr. has soared past Watch ESPN in terms of popularity.
As he explains, NCTC worked with the National Cable Television Cooperative (another NCTC) and independent cable operator MCTV to deploy the latter’s authentication system to allow for streaming of national cable networks. Carter indicated they are looking at adding their popular local content channel as part of their multi-screen TV offering. Beyond reaching current customers, this will help get their product in front of eyeballs who otherwise might be subscribing to a different video service. He discusses how this evolution could lead to a “skinny” offering of basic broadcast channels and locally popular channels that would give customers a lower-cost alternative, that would only require NCTC’s broadband connection.
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