
Wireless Symposium – A Training Boot Camp for CES

An image depicting the path towards a nationwide First Responder Network.
An image depicting the path towards a nationwide First Responder Network.

With its massive size, International CES 2015 can be overwhelming for independent operators. In the above video, Steve Pastorkovich, VP of Training and Development for NTCA and Tanya Sullivan, CEO of RWA, explain that the Wireless Symposium, co-produced by their organizations, is a great way to ease into CES.

With topics that span the gamut from marketing to technology to regulatory, the focus of the Wireless Symposium is the independent operators and how they can best use wireless to retain a competitive edge. Topics included the rules surrounding next year’s auction for 600 MHz spectrum, as well as an update from TJ Kennedy, Acting General Manager of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).

The exhibit and lunch area were combined so operators and suppliers could easily network. As Tanya Sullivan suggests in the above video, this intimate setting was sort of, “It’s kind of like a training boot camp for CES before they get to the main floor.”

Beyond Fiber & Into the Data Center - Click here to learn about the event with a focus on the transition from CO to Data Center
Beyond Fiber & Into the Data Center – Click here to learn about the event with a focus on the transition from CO to Data Center

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