Is VR at Peak Expectations?
“2017 is going to be the year where VR and AR is really expected to start show some sales and some real meaningful value to businesses and customers,” said Eric Mizufuka of Epson America, Inc. Speaking at Augmented World Expo 2016, Mizufuka emphasizes his concern that the AR/VR market may be at peak expectations and that, in 2017,…
A Platform for Pokémon Go and More #AWE16
Summer 2016 may be marked in history as the year that Augmented Reality turned the corner in terms of widespread adoption thanks to Pokémon Go. And the experience is somewhat crude, compared to what will soon be possible in the near future. At last month’s Augmented World Expo 2016, Osterhaus Design Group gave a glimpse of the future with smart…
A Virtual Store for Rural America & More
Shelf space is always in limited supply compared to the number of products a retailer could potentially offer. Virtuality New Space, an Israeli-based, startup is developing a solution that gives retailers the opportunity to expand their physical space by adding virtual showrooms to their existing floorspace. At Augmented World Expo 2016, Virtuality New Space demonstrated a…
Virtual Content Creation and More
Can a computer be a better artist than a human? After seeing the deep learning demonstration by Facebook at Nvidia’s 2016 GPU Technology Conference, it isn’t a huge leap to think supercomputers already have 99% of us beat when it comes to artistic ability. In the above interview, Micah Blumberg, who is involved at the…
An Eye On Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality without Motion Sickness #CES2016
With a goal of not making people sick, ION VR, a Boise, ID based company, demonstrated at International CES 2016 a virtual reality headset that is modular and can adapt as technology changes. It leverages the smart phone one already has and can be adapted as new smart phone models are released. Most important, are…