The above video captures slices of last week’s Indy Show with soundbites from several of the speakers. Outdated rules, regulatory uncertainty and the burdens of regulations were on the minds of many of the speakers and attendees, as reflected by comments from Ross Lieberman of ACA, Shirley Bloomfield of NTCA and Matt Polka of ACA. At the same time, there was a sense of optimism around broadband. Laura Martin of Needham & Company, LLC suggested a way that independent operators could provide a unique package that would leverage the work being done by online producers of content.
Stay tuned, as Viodi will be releasing the complete video interviews of the aforementioned industry experts, as well as others who participated in the 2013 Independent Show.
Thanks AXS TV and Viamedia for advertising with ViodiTV on the hotel channel at The Independent Show.
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