
Congratulations to ETI for 20 Years

In our previous issue, we mentioned how last month’s TelcoTV marked the 10th anniversary of the Viodi View. Coincidentally, ETI Software was also celebrating an anniversary at TelcoTV; 20 years in business. As part of their commemoration of their special event, it was an honor to help ETI Software put together a video that provides a brief overview of their excellent 20 year adventure.

The story of ETI Software, like any company, is really about the people. It is inspiring to see how one person’s work inspired another person’s vision that led to a team that continues to turn that vision into reality. Hopefully, the video captures the importance of the people and the team in ETI’s success.  Another common theme throughout our many interviews with ETI executives is that the customer is what drives their business; good advice for any company, regardless of its age.

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  1. […] Congratulations to ETI for 20 Years Click to view video […]

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