53 Areas of Harm?
At a superficial level, it would appear that the Comcast/Time-Warner businesses wouldn’t remove competition as they generally serve non-overlapping geographic areas. Additionally, Comcast would divest and swap systems with Charter to maintain less than 30% nationwide market share in the Pay-TV market. The reality is that there are different market segments, beyond distribution of pay-TV,…
The Burden of Uncertainty
“There are really significant burdens of which we are uncertain and that uncertainty, as always, leads to concern about how you invest capital and how you grow,” said Bob Gessner, president of MCTV and Chairman of the ACA. Gessner was referring to the impact of Title II rules on operators’ investment in broadband (the LA…
Laws Need to Keep Up With Technological Change
“Once you get broadband, then you want better broadband,” said Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) in this interview filmed at the American Cable Summit. He pointed out that small operators are challenged to continue to improve their network to keep up with demand and provide the service their customers require. He suggests that lawmakers need to…