Let the Adventure Begin……
Brought to you by RICA The following is a video we co-produced with RICA for their upcoming Fall Forum, November 14-16th, to be held in Jacksonville, Florida. The RICA Fall Forum is a great way to get a handle on how independent telecom carriers are bringing competitive telecom services to areas that otherwise would only be…
The RICA Adventure – Part 2
Brought to you by RICA Larry Sevier makes his way from the fruited plains to the fruited peninsula of Florida in part two of this continuing saga of the journey to RICA’s Fall Forum.
Paul's Perilous Path to Phlorida – Part 3
Brought to you by RICA Here is a fun video about one of RICA’s board member’s trek to the RICA-RTG Fall Forum in Jacksonville, Florida.
Rick's Roundabout Route to RICA – Part 4
Click here to learn more about the RICA-RTG Fall Forum (the above video was produced by Viodi for RICA).