
A New Horizon of Midwestern Connectivity via FTTH

With announcements about fiber expansion happening every day, it was refreshing to catch up with a local service provider that has been on the leading edge of technology deployments for decades.  The above interview with Jim Capuano, CEO for Horizon, and Misty Tuttle, General Manager of Business Operations for Horizon, echo the words of retired Horizon executive John Wilson at the 2002 TelcoTV. In that forum, Wilson encouraged telcos to expand their service and “take a risk and get back to what the telephone pioneers did.”

With Horizon’s expansion of its fiber backhaul network to multiple states and the addition of multiple underserved, Fiber-to-the-home communities beyond their incumbent service territory, it is clear that the Horizon team is heeding Wilson’s advice. And as Capuano alludes to, FTTH is the tool that allows the expansion that would have been operationally more challenging with copper networks. Fiber provides Horizon the foundation for a competitive offering today while providing an upgrade path for tomorrow.

Another big difference between 2022 and 2002 is that access to capital isn’t an issue. Capuano emphasizes that private money is funding the network expansions into rural towns, such as Circleville, Greenfield, and Lancaster, Ohio.

As they expand, they are having to introduce their brand to these new communities. They are using the same sort of community involvement that has served Horizon’s127-year old existence. A pioneer in local content in the early 2000s, they have a 2022 twist that leverages local connections and social media, according to Tuttle.

Interview Highlights:

2 responses to “A New Horizon of Midwestern Connectivity via FTTH”

  1. […] A New Horizon of Midwestern Connectivity via FTTH […]

  2. […] Ohio, home of Horizon, piloted an on-demand transit system in 2022 and delivered over 38,000 trips to about 1,400 unique […]

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