
The Consumer as the Constituent

Putting the customer first was the theme of comments made by Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and echoed in the above interview with Colleen Abdoulah of Chairwoman of WOW! Abdoulah points out that Eshoo’s support, along with a bipartisan sponsor group ((Goodlatte (R-Va.), Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)), of H.R. 3086, the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act, is important to keeping the Internet affordable. With Senate companion bill (S.1431) to the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act introduced by Senators Ron Wyden (D-Oreg.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) and now some 183 cosponsors of H.R. 3086, some form of this law stands a good chance of being passed, even in an election year. 

She also discusses Eshoo’s role in the CALM Act (uniform audio levels) and how it was a problem that went beyond distributors and included the content sources. As a side note, these rules are finally manifesting in the video editing software, as evidence by the just released Sony Vegas video editing software which touts its new feature support for CALM audio levels.

The topic of retransmission consent model with regards to the consumer was also discussed. Eshoo will push for addressing retransmission consent in the near-term STELA bill, as it could be years before a comprehensive telecom rewrite is accomplished. Abdoulah points out the inertia of the governing process needs to change to reflect the rapidly changing pace of technological and business model developments.

[Author’s Note: At the time of the interview, Colleen Abdoulah had just transitioned from CEO/Chair of the WOW! Board to Chair of the WOW! Board. Abdoulah’s positive imprint is everywhere in the company, but one subtle sign about the companies priorities are the descriptions of the executive management (e.g. father, mom, teammate, etc.)  and how those are ahead of job titles.

She has an amazing and inspirational story, as chronicled in this excellent Denver Women article. Although she will still be helping WOW! with strategic leadership, executive coaching and development, and the Board Compensation Committee, I am sure we can expect more great work helping foster kids and others who need a hand or a guide.]

2014 ACA Summit coverage brought to you by the ACA and ViodiTV.

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