
Rural Areas Tucked Away in Plain Sight

“Cows in Berkeley,” was a long-time tag-line for a Bay Area producer of dairy products. It spoke to the idea that in the middle of the urban sprawl of the San Francisco Bay Area, rural areas are tucked away in plain sight. The hilly geography combined with the massive bay creates areas that, although close as the crow flies, are inaccessible via over-the-air TV signals and, often, mobile networks.

In the above interview, Susan Daniel of Horizon Cable TV describes some of the challenges she and her husband face as proprietors of a small independent broadband operator just north of San Francisco. They serve rural customers that no one else would serve thanks to their pioneering efforts.

2013 ACA Summit coverage brought to you by the ACA and ViodiTV.

One response to “Rural Areas Tucked Away in Plain Sight”

  1. Ken Pyle Avatar
    Ken Pyle

    Way back when, @HORIZONCABLE was the first high-speed Internet provider in Marin County, CA (the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco)

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