
Hopeful with Lots of Opportunity at the ACA Summit with Patty Boyers

“We have a lot of hope; we have a lot of opportunity,” is how Patty Boyers of Boycom Cablevision describes her outlook regarding her business and the community she serves. She points out that small operators are the best catalyst for bringing broadband to rural areas. Implicit in her comments is that the smaller operators are physically close to their customers and understand the demand and have the flexibility to make a viable business case that larger companies could not make.

In this interview, filmed at the ACA 20th Anniversary Summit, Boyers talks about the importance of fiber and how it works with wireless. She also touches upon the regulatory environment and where small operators could use relief and, by extension, improve the value they are able to offer their customers.

2013 ACA Summit coverage brought to you by the ACA and ViodiTV.

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  1. […] The Korner – Hopeful with Lots of Opportunity at the ACA Summit with Patty Boyers […]

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