
Customer Appreciation Day at Lakeland Communications

My favorite professional activity is visiting my independent telco friends in the area they serve. I am not certain what it is that appeals to me

It’s probably those factors, as well as a longing for the orchards that were still around in my youth and that now are close to being completely paved over by faceless business parks that often are half-empty. I am not suggesting that the Valley of the Heart’s Delight shouldn’t have transformed into the Silicon Valley. It’s just unfortunate that it developed the way it did.

So I jumped at the chance to visit Lakeland Communications and participate in their annual customer appreciation day. Their event captured a slice of rural America. The experience is hard to describe, but fortunately, Roger was there to capture the highlights through this video interview with Chris LaRowe of WSTA.

Independent telcos, if you want to see the rest of the story, contact me about an event I am co-producing on October 1.

2 responses to “Customer Appreciation Day at Lakeland Communications”

  1. […]  The Korner – Customer Appreciation Day at Lakeland Communications […]

  2. […] Click here to view the video.   […]

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