
In the Zone – Part 3

At first glance, nothing could be more frivolous than a pair of $100 “ears” that react to brainwaves. Like so many things, one needs to try them to really appreciate how well they actually work. They sort of force one to concentrate, as can be seen in the above interview when the ears become part of the conversation.

Putting the fun part aside for the moment, it is amazing that Neurosky has been able to take the sophisticated underlying technology and put it into consumer electronic items. The application of the technology goes well beyond consumer electronics, however, as it has found its way into offerings that help retrain the brain; think Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome or ADHD treatment.

Using one’s mind becomes the ultimate in a user interface. As an example, Jade Worobec of Neurosky describes a game/movie, MyndPlay whereby scenes are chosen based on the game player’s mood. Although this reporter didn’t get a chance to use that smartphone-based application, he did get to try a brain wave-powered, tug-a-war type game that proved to be extremely fun.

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