
Unique Communities Bonded by Broadband

In the above video, newly elected WTA president and Totah Communications‘ GM/president, Mark Gailey, discusses his concern that the idea of universal service has been lost on the current generation of politicians, regulators and the general populace. He makes the point that the urban and rural areas need each other.

Derrick Owens, VP of Government Affairs, discusses how Washington’s actions, particularly with regards to the FCC’s November 2011 transformation order affects long-term investment by operators. Regarding predictability, Owens discusses how the current Federal Government shutdown impacted this conference.

Kelly Worthington, EVP of WTA provides an overview of the WTA and the conference, which covered topics as varied as insurance, regulations and economic development. Some take-aways from the half day this author spent at this valuable conference include:

Summing up the challenges that rural operators face, one of the speakers mentioned how one federal regulator had made the comment that, “You have seen one rural community, you have seen them all.”

Having traveled extensively through the heartland, this author can attest that the opposite is true. Each rural region is unique and it is the people, who are firmly rooted in their communities, that make the difference with regards to its economic vitality. Broadband is the common thread that ties these rural locales with the urban megaopolis, making the whole of the network greater than the sum of its parts.

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