
ViodiTV Videos About Broadband, Technology, & More

  • CES2025: Tech Breaking Down Barriers

    CES2025: Tech Breaking Down Barriers

    Leveraging humans’ capabilities by using machines was a central theme of CES2025. Some of the machines took the form of electric vehicles. These vehicles were not just cars and included electrified surfboards, drones, and multi-passenger shuttles. All of these vehicles might not make it to the mass market. They collectively point to how electric drive…

  • The Best Telecom Entrance Ever – #FiberConnect24

    The Best Telecom Entrance Ever – #FiberConnect24

    What do a Big Dog Chopper and Fiber to the Home have in common? The answer is Jimmy Todd, the CEO/General Manager of Nex-Tech. In 2024, Todd also served as the Chair of the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA).1 His entrance at the FBA’s Fiber Connect conference on the chopper was impressive and, perhaps, the best…

  • Exit Interview with Gary Johnson

    Exit Interview with Gary Johnson

    It must have been the winter of 2000 when I met Gary Johnson. He was a relatively young engineer with a remarkable grasp of technology and the needs of Paul Bunyan Telephone’s members. He was part of a group of Minnesota telephone companies exploring video-on-demand.1 Fast-forward to today and Gary is retiring from the company…

  • I Spy with My Little MyEye – #CES2024

    I Spy with My Little MyEye – #CES2024

    The title of this post refers to a game that helps a young child recognize objects and be observant of their surroundings. OrCam’s MyEye 3 Pro works at the opposite end of the age spectrum. It allows adults to recognize objects and people they can no longer see. This less-than-an-ounce device attaches to glasses, identifies…

  • New Light on Improving Brain Function

    New Light on Improving Brain Function

    Focus, focus, focus…Focus is challenging in a world of seemingly infinite tabs and multiple devices with their ever-distracting notifications. Enter Mendi with its neurofeedback product that promises to help its users improve their brain health. This means sharpened focus, better sleep, and enhanced mood control by improving the brain’s neuroplasticity. From Mendo’s website: “Neuroplasticity is…

  • The Space Agent Helper for the Long Distance Voyager

    The Space Agent Helper for the Long Distance Voyager

    Beyond the excitement of the launch, seeing the universe from a new perspective, and discovering new worlds, an astronaut’s daily routine is mundane. A 3-year round trip to Mars, as NASA estimates, is a long time to be alone. As such, the mental health of astronauts is a concern of NASA. Enter Coreod Space and…